Acute tubular injury 의 유형 (분자 신장학) : 2. Serum Cr 은 Renal injury 를 평가하기에 문제가 많은 maker 다.
SCr : a problematic marker of renal injury
SCr, is the commonly used marker of kidney function in the steady state.
steady state has two requirements
(1) the production of creatinine by the metabolism of creatinine phosphate in muscle cells must be constant
(2) glomerular filtration and urinary flow must not change --> creatinine is excreted at a constant rate
[ Mass- transfer equation ]
Urine Cr × volume of urine ml/min = plasma Cr × glomerular filtration rate
--> only valid at steady state for analysis of kidney function
Serum Cr 이 왜 문제가 많은 marker 인가?
1) SCr is a delayed marker of dysfunction
process of creatinine accumulation in blood to levels sufficient to define an abnormal test result generally takes 24–48 h from the point of injury
depending on a patient’s muscle mass and volume of distribution
이러한 상황이 환자의 급성기 care 에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 신장의 분비기능이 어떤지 명확하지 않음에도 Cr 이 괜찮다고 쉽게 항생제와 같은 신독성 약제들의 사용이나, 응급실에 온 환자에서 조영제를 사용하게 된다.
The presence of excretory dysfunction in the absence of an initial diagnostic rise in SCr level is called ‘subacute AKI'
--> multiple measurements of SCr over several days and retrospective analysis of SCr changes 로 알 수 있다.
--> independent risk factor for hospital mortality
--> completely missed at the time of initial presentation using current KDIGO criteria for AKI
2) SCr is an insensitive marker of injury
changes in SCr level may not detect acute tubular injury incurred in less than 50% of nephrons
Ex1 ) Infarction or obstruction of one kidney --> 2배로 Cr 이 상승하는 것은 아니다. 어떤 경우는 상승하지 않을 수도 있다.
Ex2 ) kidney donation --> 네프론의 50% 가 즉시 소실되는 사건임에도 30년 후 평균 serum Cr level 은 1.2 정도에 불과하고, 이것은 정상의 상한치 이다.
게다가, Most forms of tubular injury are characterized by focal areas of damage.
그 이유는 아마도 : might be due to the compensatory effect of the remaining nephrons 때문일 것이다.
--> 이러한 상황을 subclinical AKI 라고 할 수 있다.
--> independently associated with poor kidney and overall outcomes
3) SCr is non- specific
An abnormal SCr level may or may not represent tubular damage
--> rise in SCr can occur in many different settings including ischaemic, toxic, obstructive, as well as rapidly reversible volume depletion
wide differences in SCr kinetics between patients with SCr levels
--> resolving in approximately 33%, 50% and 75% of patients within 1, 2 or 3 days of hospital
admission, respectively
--> remaining 25% of patients demonstrating prolonged increases in SCr (slow resolvers).
이러한 환자들은 아마도 AKI 로 진단은 같게 내려졌지만, 서로 다른 치료를 받았을 것이다.
예를 들어 fluid therapy 를 보면, 일시적으로 SCr 이 상승했던 rapid resolver 에게는 효과적인 치료일 수 있겠으나, sustained AKI 의 slow resolver 에게는 유해한 치료가 될 수도 있다.
Serum Cr 상승은 disease-specific phenotype 도 아니며, disease- specific therapy 도 제시하지 못한다.
4) Many variables affect the rise of SCr
Cr 상승에는 many confounding variables 의 영향을 받는다.
Extra- renal confounders : body composition and metabolism
--> muscle mass, muscle damage, nutritional status, body surface area and volume of distribution
Intra- renal confounders : chronic kidney disease (CKD) and medications
--> CKD : differentially affects the glomerular filtration and tubular transport of SCr
--> Medications modify the balance between glomerular and tubular pathways of SCr clearance such as cimetidine,
trimethoprim, pyrimethamine and salicylates, can also block tubular excretion of SCr. 따라서 이러한 약들은 cell injury 없이도 SCr 을 상승시킬 수 있다.
5) Duration versus level of SCr rise
the duration of SCr elevation might provide an alternative metric not only of excretory dysfunction but perhaps also of tubular injury.
몇몇 연구들이 보여줌 : duration of SCr elevation is more strongly associated with morbidity and mortality
than the absolute rise in SCr
Cr 상승은 confounding factors 에 영향을 받기 때문이다. 반면 duration of SCr elevation probably reflects the intrinsic timing of tubular injury repair, which relies on various cell- autonomous factors, including induction of the cyclin- dependent kinase inhibitor p21
" multiple SCr measurements "
--> 그러므로 Repetitive measurements of SCr over several days 가 중요하다. (그러나 subclinical AKI 에는 부적절할 수 있다.)
2019. 9. 18 - SJH
* 관련 포스팅 :
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